A letter to my 16-year-old self

Life does not begin with marriage, nor does it end with divorce. Love, but do not lose yourself to love, for relationships wane and wax like the moon with all its glory, but whether it’s full or barely visible, you must always remain firm. Be good to yourself, for if you don’t, you set the standard for others and how they treat you.

Your success has little to do with a university degree. Education is not sitting in a classroom. The earth is your school and Allah is your teacher, so everywhere you go you must seek Him, and pay close attention for the lessons are not written on a blackboard or in a handout. You won’t always know when then testing comes, but your success always comes from Him. So please, pay attention. Travel far and wide, search and discover, open your heart and your mind, then you will see that the truth isn’t served in a school or from the television. The truth about life is a journey you must embark upon and you arrive at your destination when both feet enter Jannah, so beware of the road for it is filled with distractions that may beg you to stop and settle, but don’t – just don’t.

The greatest two trials that you can possibly face are trials in your faith and trials with your health. So invest yourself in learning Islam as this is the navigation system for your journey and invest in your health as this is the only vessel you have to reach your final destination. Hold on to the rope of Allah, The Qur’an and the Sunnah, and you will always find the truth about faith, food, medicine and nutrition.

Your self-worth and beauty have nothing to do with a man’s love, and everything to do with your love for Allah. Allah is the fountain of love, mercy, honour and beauty, so quench your thirst with striving in His obedience, and beware of obeying men who promise false dreams in Allah’s disobedience.

No life is worth living without Allah’s presence for even the greatest achievement in Jannah is looking upon His Glorious face. Tranquility descends with His remembrance. Allah loves you more than all the people who love you combined, including your mother. His love is vast, and His patience is beyond our human comprehension and His forgiveness is easier to achieve than the forgiveness of man. Keep Allah close to your heart, for in the alternation of happiness and sadness, prosperity and poverty, health and illness – your gratitude and patience can only be found through Him.

Nothing is constant. Embrace the ebbs and flows of life, let yourself sway with the wind, and do not break. The only consistency to life is the inconsistency. Some days will be sunny, some filled with rain and both are mercy from Ar-Rahman (The Most Merciful). Allah knows you better than you know yourself – so trust Him.

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