God is missing from Modern Medicine!

Belief is the foundation of our lives. It has the ability to impact our behavior and shape our character. When I believed that eating peppers would kill me, I immediately transformed my diet and withheld from indulging in my favourite dishes and restaurants in order to preserve my health.

Somewhere along the path to good health, truths changed. Our food changed. Our medicine changed. Our relationship to our history changed. We’ve become disconnected: disconnected from the earth, from nature, from each other, from our food… and even disconnected from our own bodies.

About 150 years ago, everything we knew about food, nutrition, health, medicine was left behind for a new emerging medicine. It was at this point that our beliefs changed, and what unfolded over this period of time was enough to destroy our health and the health of our planet.

From the Himalayas to the Mayan Temples

Previous to that, medicine around the world was very similar. Whether you were in the Himalayas or in the African jungles, from the Asian continent to South America ~ medicine was always food, and food was medicine. Food was medicine and disease was mainly considered to be a direct result of imbalanced eating.

Then in the late 1800’s, two scientists went head to head debating the origin of disease. One argued that disease can only grow in an imbalanced body which was a belief for thousands of years, while the other scientist, Louis Pasteur, believed that illness was due to an attack on our body by a germ or microbe. Sound familiar?

You know the milk you buy from the store. Pasteurized milk. Along with the Germ Theory, Louis Pasteur introduced the concept of pasteurization, which essentially means to heat milk, honey, or juice to a certain degree in order to kill all bacteria. Now when you do that, you kill the bad bacteria as well as kill all the good bacteria. Pasteurization also destroys the enzymes and a  lot of the nutrients.  The belief in germs meant the belief that we need to create antibiotics. Keep in mind antibiotics literally stands for “against life”.

Modern Medicine

Our entire health, that of our children and future generation rests upon a system not even 200 years old, while a system that is over 5000 years old and that has had thousands of scientists, doctors, herbalists, chemists, dentists and so much more has completely been abandoned.

The irony is that doctors today are sworn in with the Hippocratic Oath, which was written by the Greatest doctor of all time, the father of Medicine, Hippocrates, but if you ask medical students if they have studied any of his work… the answer is no. They know nothing of his medicine, or how he used to treat patients.

But something else changed when the Germ Theory was adopted. This was the first time in history where God was taken out of medicine.  Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Greek Medicine, Unani Tibb, Prophetic Medicine all shared the belief in a Creator or Gods. All shared the belief that herbs, plants, fruits, animals were created as medicine and nutrition. Modern medicine is built upon an atheistic view on life. There is no relationship to a creator in learning about our creation, nor is there any relationship to accepting what God has created for mankind as medicine. Excluding Allah SWT was the gateway to create a lucrative business opportunity that needed man to create medicine for mankind. Modern doctors are not taught Herbalism but rather they are taught pharmaceuticals and which drugs to prescribe.

Now ask yourself

Would the Most Merciful, Most Loving God leave mankind without medicine for thousands of years until the emergence of modern medicine? Would the Most Wise, The One Who Taught Adam the names of all of creation, not teach us about our own bodies, our health and how to prevent illness and cure diseases until the Germ Theory?

It doesn’t make sense because your fitra, your natural inclination knows the truth.

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah has not sent down any disease but He has also sent down a cure for it.”

Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5678.

Allah SWT has been teaching mankind about medicine since the creation of Adam A.S. Isn’t it time we look back and start to examine what we have in our history?

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