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Fasting is a time of detoxification

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Think of your body like a car. If the engine is running and the wheels are spinning, you can’t really wash and repair it.

Your body works the same way. Breaking down nutrients and absorbing them on a cellular level requires energy. Your body can’t detoxify while it is constantly digesting food. Now you might be thinking, well I’m not eating all day… but that is not entirely true.

The breakfast you had at 8 am has a long distance to travel. It takes anywhere between 12-30 hours for one meal to exit your body.

If your digestive system is busy metabolizing food, it cannot spend the energy on cleaning house. That is where fasting comes in. Abstaining from food and drink for 12-16 hours a day allows your body to complete digestion and begin its healing process.

Here’s what happens to your body when you fast:

  • The organs get a much-needed vacation
  • Your metabolic fire ignites
  • Your hormones levels change and insulin drop significantly, making it easier to use fat as fuel
  • Your inner healing process is initiated, cellular repair and detoxification commences.
  • Digestive enzymes are used to digest, neutralize and eliminate toxic waste from the body
  • The most intense detoxification and rebalancing happens in the first three days, after which your body kicks into ketosis mode

To learn more about your body and fasting according to traditional and Prophetic medicine, Please download your FREE e-book at www.nurasunna.com/ramadan-remedy

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