Home Nutritional Roadmap The wisdom of traditional nutrition is making a comeback
The wisdom of traditional nutrition is making a comeback

The wisdom of traditional nutrition is making a comeback

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So what exactly is healthy eating anyways?

Vegan? Paleo? No Dairy? No Gluten? No Sugar? Raw? Juicing? Smoothies?

What if I told you that you can eat your meat and your wheat and have your milk and cheese and lose weight and live a full and healthy life! Would you believe me?

The modern food pyramid is flawed. The nutritional labels on food packages are misleading.

Here’s why:

Nutrition cannot be broken down to just fats, carbs and proteins. That’s like saying a car only needs fuel, windshield washer and oil. A car needs so much more to run efficiently, and so do our bodies.

For over 5000 years, nutrition was never about fats, carbs and protein, but rather about food, digestion and balance. How much of each and in what combination is extremely vital for our health and that’s where we have it wrong. Traditionally, foods were categorized as heating and cooling, drying or moistening. The effects of foods on our body was never just about calories. It was more about how our body was able to efficiently digest the food and absorb the nutrients. If foods are difficult to digest, it exerts a lot of energy out of the body in order to breakdown the nutrients for proper absorption.

Instead of a daily food pyramid that suggests 5-11 carbs a day, 3 proteins a day and reduced fats, we need to look at the thermal energetics of the foods. Food either boosts your metabolic force (digestive fire / agni) or diminishes it.

I’ve put together a few lists to help make this easier to understand.

7 beliefs for healthy living

  • The digestive system is the breeding ground of almost all diseases and illnesses.
  • Your metabolism is the heart of nourishment and must always be in balance.
  • Foods are heating or cooling meaning they are either increasing metabolism or slowing it down.
  • Imbalanced metabolism leads to toxic build up which manifests as many common, often ignored ailments.
  • Long term imbalanced metabolism leads to cancer, diabetes, heart disease, asthma, allergies and so much more.
  • You can still enjoy foods you love simply by learning to balance hot and cold temperaments, portions, and frequency of consumption.
  • Balanced metabolism leads to thriving health, glowing skin and balanced weight.

7 rules of eating

  • Eat foods that are pure and good. Organic. Non GMO. Natural. Whole. Minimally processed. Prepared according to traditional methods.
  • Don’t overfill when eating – Your stomach require ⅓ air – ⅓ water – ⅓ food for proper digestion. A few morsels are sufficient to keep you healthy, but if you must eat more, then ⅓, ⅓, ⅓ !
  • Eat warm foods and drinks. Don’t eat or drink cold foods and beverages from the fridge unless the season/temperature warrants it.
  • Rotate your plate. Eat according to season. Warming foods in winter. Cooling foods in summer. Eat locally because your body responds to its environment.
  • Unpasteurized Dairy, whole grains, fruits, veggies, leafy greens daily, lentils, legumes, meat and fish are all allowed and good in moderation.
  • Boost digestion with herbal teas appropriate for the meal and season.
  • Eat with your hands, sitting of the floor from a shared plate – this aids digestion and decreases the size of portions consumed.

7 signs your body is thriving

  • Clear, glowing, warm skin
  • Energetic
  • Well rested with minimal sleep
  • Easy, regular bowel movements (1-3 times a day)
  • Balanced weight, neither underweight nor overweight
  • Healthy – absence of ailments, illnesses, pain and growths (tumor/cysts/stones)
  • Proper function of organs and faculties

The Arabs of old said: The stomach is the home of disease and restraint is the basis of the remedy.

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