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Transforming your kitchen into a wellness sanctuary

Transforming your kitchen into a wellness sanctuary is easy to do.

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The kitchen has always been known to be the heart of the home and rightfully so. Afterall, that is where nourishment begins and where healing is also found.

Believe me, I understand. I’m a mother of 4. I run my own recruitment business plus I’m studying traditional nutrition and medicine. Cooking takes up so much time, especially if you want to eat healthy, home cooked meals 3 times a day. Whether you are a working mom or a stay-at-home mom of young kids – cooking is hard work, but it’s probably one of the most important things that you or I can do in a day.

Our survival depends on food. Without food or drink, we would cease to exist. Food is not only pleasurable but it’s absolutely necessary. Now, I know with food being so readily accessible from outside sources (restaurants, cafes, grocery stores, etc), that we have slowly lost touch with cooking or preparing food at home. Our health, collectively, it struggling. Our children are facing childhood diabetes, obesity, ADHD, Autism, hormonal imbalances and so much more. Our youth are not the young, energetic, vibrant youths of previous nations. But to take back our health, that means we need to take back the control of who makes our food.

Your kitchen is your wellness sanctuary. The food you prepare is meant to prevent disease and malnutrition. The herbal teas you steep, the broths and soups you cook are meant to heal and boost your immune system. Everything found is your kitchen is either nourishing your family or poisoning your family.

How you setup your wellness sanctuary is very important. It is not just a kitchen. It is not just a pantry. It is not just a fridge. Really, I’m serious. Your wellness sanctuary is so much more. And you need to believe that before you can transform it.

I promise, the changes are easier to do than you think, and I’ll share one once a week to ease you and your family into the new groove.

Now, although we have made leaps and bounds with transforming our lifestyle and wellness sanctuary, that doesn’t mean we have reached the pinnacle. On the contrary, the more we learn, the more we heal, the more we realize that this is a lifelong learning process. Just as we struggle to give up sin, and we repent. We will also give up “bad” foods and fall back into them. Just as Shaytaan strives to see us fail and fall with our acts of worship and relationships, he also strives very hard to have you fail and fall in your own health as well.

So, who’s ready for a kitchen makeover?

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